Thursday, May 13, 2010

About Javier Solana


I don't know how much information about what I wish to discuss has come through blog-o-spher-o-city (my made up word for the world of blogging). If you should have questions I am open to discuss what I post. I am not open, and neither is this blog to negative comebacks and irrational behavior. As moderator of this blog, I have the discretion to remove really negative posts, as well as, to defend God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is with that said, that I shall begin.

It has been laid upon my heart by God/Jehovah/Your Choice or Name for Him, to share something with you. I have come upon some very interesting and pertinent to our current time period...information that I find, not only astounding, but appalling, especially because I was unaware. Let's see how many of you are aware of this already, because the more who know, the more possibility that there is still time to reach more people.

This is what I know:

There is a position that is called the “High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy,” and it has not existed before it was created to give a job to one individual. This position was created in 1998. The man who is seated in this position is Javier Solana. This office handles and officiates over the WEU (the revived Roman Empire) affairs with the rest of the world, including the Middle East. Out of a total of 1150 documents produced during the summit that officiated over the institution of the new position within the WEU, the document that gave the person a new title, was document number 666.

sidenote:(I know, the situation is sounding uncanny....that is because it is. It gets weirder, but more prophetic, and sadly, I am afraid that we don't have much time to prepare for something already happening. To say I am sure this fulfills prophecy would be reaching, yet, the story becomes more revealing as we proceed. Meanwhile, back to what I know.)

Javier Solana also holds the position of Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the true seat of power in Europe. A month after this position was given to Javier Solana, he was given the position of Secretary General of the 10 nation WEU military alliance. On June 5, 2000, the anniversary of Israel's 6 day war, the WEU granted the “High Representative” emergency powers. This gives one man, Javier Solana, total authority over all 10 militaries in the event of an “emergency.” This also gives Javier Solana complete discretion and authority to declare an “emergency.” Guess who wrote this recommendation? Javier Solana did. This declarations name, is called Western European Union Assembly Recommendation 666.

This can be verified at the following link:

The following month what is referred to as the “Solana Decision” was implemented.
This hides from public view any documents deemed “sensitive” by none other, than our new man of favor, Javier Solana. There is a good amount of speculation in that part of the world within the union that this is non-military coup or takeover of the European Union.

Back in 1995, Solana negotiated what was referred to as the Euro-Meditteranean Partnership for Peace. This agreement included European Union states, as well as Meditteranean states, to include Israel and what is considered the Palestinian Order. Though, this effort did not produced the desired results, Solana revived the movement as the “European Neighborhood Policy.”

The very first nation to sign this peace agreement, was Israel. There are economic incentives for those who behave as they are supposed to do. All of this, in the name of “peace and safety.”

This is confirmation of many nations, just as the book of Revelations states. This treaty is with a revived Roman Empire and Israel, among many others, was established on January 1, 2007, and it runs for 7 years. There is a check up point at the half-way mark, which would be the summer of 2010.

Also, Solana is on board and gives his full support to the United Nations new “Alliance of Civilizations” which has a stated goal of eliminating all “religious fundamentalism” worldwide – by whatever means necessary. It also states that this new "Alliance of Civilizations" wishes to institute a common faith that all can except without disagreement of fundamentals. Anyone at this point, who has a lock on “Truth” will be threat to “Peace.” Apparently for all intents and purposes, American Leadership is already on board with this “Alliance of Civilizations,” and this mechanism is set to be implemented and operational in 2010.

Have you heard about this at all, at this point and time? If so, did you know all of this detail on it?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July 2009 - The State of our Union

To be honest, I wake each day with a renewed sense of purpose. It all comes down to the bottom line. The bottom line for me, is simply, the state of our nation for the future of our offspring. As I watch the catastrophe unfold daily, I find myself in disbelief when I see the atrocities being perpetrated against our freedoms, our heritage, and our republic. To say the least, what I am watching unfold in less than 1/2 a calendar year, leads me to believe that the Union will not be recognizable in the remaining 3 1/2 years left of this administration.

We as a people have a common ground. We have a "belief" in liberty, regardless of its lack thereof in the public square. We have a "belief" in the rights afforded us by the founders of this nation, and we have a "strength" among us, that is not recognized, but is granted to us by the documents that rule our nation. We want there to be a nation left to give to our children, and with that, the out of control spending has to be quelled. We must, as a nation vote in the 2 year elections in 2010. We must vote, with a vengeance, telling our congressmen/women in no uncertain terms that we need checks and balances in Washington. Right now, there are no real checks and balances in Washington, because both the House of Representatives and Senate are controlled by the Democrat Party, and with a Democrat Party Leader of the Nation, we have essentially a Democratic swayed government. With the Crisis, came their opportunity to fund all the legislation necessary to cover the Democratic/Socialistic agenda, and with that spending which was supposed to help the economy, we see numbers of unemployment continuing to climb. The housing market has still not found its floor, and the dollar is being sold off around the world. There is a demand for a globally gold backed currency, and several countries have jumped on the bandwagon to push for it. Many countries, to include Iran and China, have recently traded in the billions of cash currency for gold. The entire world is in an uproar. When President Obama took office he told us that this economic situation was the worst since the Great Depression, and recently, Vice President Biden told us that the administration did not realize how dire the situation was in the beginning. So, simply put, we are not in the Great Depression, we are in Armeggedon. We are not in the Armeggedon of Biblical extent, not yet, anyway, but we are in a epic proportion situation that has been aided and abetted by the current administration's policies and out of credulous thinking spending.

With the recent legislation that has passed the House already, called "Cap and Trade," we are in a situation comparable to Mafia Control. Honestly, hitting us below the belt with such high penalties/taxes/payments for emissions, there will be fewer and fewer businesses out there in the market. This will present lower money for the Federal Government, whether they realize that or not. This will also present fewer jobs being created for the American public. Businesses will be at a disadvantage for emitting "so called" greenhouse gases. I understand greenhouse gasses, and I also understand that the entire basis of the global warming argument is based on actual warming of our environment. This is not occurring, and it has not been occurring for at least the last decade. This simply falsifies the entirety of the argument, and thereby nullifies the idea that Global warming is even occurring at all. Now, what I bet the reader here will not be aware of, is that average businesses which will be targeted for greenhouse emissions are going to be food producers. If your business produces cooked food, your business emits one of the highest levels of greenhouse emissions. You will be thankful to know, that the cow flatulence did get removed from the legislation prior to consideration. You know this is good, because next would be us.

If we as a people cannot sway our nation's leaders to do what they are paid by us to do, then we need to kick them out of office and put others in office who will listen to their voters and constituents. "We the people" used to mean something, let's make it mean something again. Talk to your friends, talk to your children, and always keep your integrity, your moral turpitude, and your character in check. God Bless each of you as you go forth, and God, Please Bless America.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Thanks to Bainard, who is one of the US Senators, we now know that we are currently a part of the American Socialist Experiment. Yeah, so, how does it feel to be in a vast petri dish of unchartered territory. How ultimately fear encouraging and faith diminishing this brand of communication that we are being given is to us, as a people. No one has faith that this system is going to heal itself, and everyone ultimately has faith that we as a nation are doomed if we continue to let the new leadership spend our futures and the futures of our offspring into non-existence. We have become a nation that is expectant of something for nothing. I am not saying that all of us think and feel this way by any means, I am simply making an observation of what seems to be the accepted norm. If we cannot provide for ourselves, then we should stand there with our hand out. Right?!?!

Ok....well, with all of that said, I will simply say, that though, nationalization of the banks is not occurring according to Ben Bernake and other government leaders, the American people deserve the truth. The technical truth....The most recent bailout of Citigroup was a purchase of 40% shareholder stocks - common stocks. The bailouts under Bush were for Preferred Stock....Preferred stock get a paid dividend but no voting rights. Common Stock gets voting rights. With this said, our Government has the majority shareholder voting rights for Citigroup and several of the other largest banks in the country. This gives a bias to lean toward politicizing the banking and lending system even more than it already is. The next majority shareholder holds less than 5%. So, Ben Bernake is lying when he says that the government isn't nationalizing the banks....though technically he is right, because of the wording, but the reality is the effect on the banks and the control is the same no matter how you spell it out.

To say that we as a nation are prepared for what looms over the so far from truth....because we are spoiled society and an offended society. Nuff Said.

Friday, December 5, 2008


I think about my sisters, my friend, people I don't know....I think about my friend the most, when I think about abortion. I think about how it has devastated her life since then, and I think of how she cannot forgive herself. I think of the inner turmoil she suffers. I think of her loss because her life is now limited to only the one natural child she has. I think of how many other women must anguish over the same decisions and the forever heart altering consequences of their own struggles with it throughout their lives.

I wonder sometimes, what it is that leads someone to believe that it is Okay to terminate a pregnancy. That is simply wrong. I am sick of hearing it is a woman's right to choose...bull, hello, it is not our right to choose whether a human lives or dies. It is our right, as women, to choose not to have unprotected sex, not to have sex at all, or to have protected sex. It is our right to choose to keep from having a child, but it is kill another human, whether or not at the time that it dies, it could or could not have survived alone. I am not the one who says it is wrong. The Bible clearly tells us, "Thou Shalt Not Kill." It is one of the 10 commandments that we are supposed to live by. Our nation gives women to right to commit murder of what would otherwise, in most cases, be a viable, wonderful human being with the same rights after birth as we all have. I find this to be fundamentally wrong in every way that I can consider it. How can a nation who promotes and allows the death penalty for murder in this country, allow such mass infanticide on our nation's young, on the basis of it is a woman's right to choose?

Ultimately what seemingly goes unnoticed and therefore under-discussed, is the breast cancer risk issue surrounding abortion. Abortion is proven and factually studied to produce a 50% increase in breast cancer risk for the woman who has the abortion. This risk is increased with each abortion by the same proportion with each abortion. I have seen this in action, actually, and one of my family members who had an abortion, did indeed have breast cancer at a young age. I find this alarming. I find it appalling that a pregnancy is not referred to as a life, and even more disturbing to fail to disclose all the risks which are health related to the person there choosing to take a life by terminating their own pregnancy.

Clearly, from all of my own personal experiences with others who have dealt with the grief, the agony, the morality issues, the fears of "Oh no, what have I done?".....the knowledge that they will never know that other person, because they themselves robbed their own personal futures of knowing their offspring. Ultimately, no one really tells them that they are killing their child. No one reminds them of the harsh reality of what they are truly giving up, the opportunity to know that other person who is a part of them, instead they choose to grieve and wallow in the anguish, apathetically.

Our nation is truly no longer the nation that it once was. Our nation reminds me of Germany around the time Hitler took power, at this point, right down to all the new fiscal policies and full swing toward deflation that we are inevitably headed toward.

I heard during President Elect Obama's campaign, that he stated, "I have two daughters and if either of them made a mistake, I wouldn't want them punished with a baby," in a newspaper article in the
Washington, DC ( from March 2008.

To say the very least, I can hardly believe that he would consider a child punishment...especially his own grand child. Of course, I realize that this is Barack Hussein Obama. I realize he is higher thinker, and so burdens/punishment like kids, wow, who has the time?

Honestly, I wonder, if each day as Michelle goes through her life as a mother and Barack as a father, does she/does he feel the punishment of having children, or are they only punishment when a person makes poor decisions out of wedlock too early?

Abortion.....the atrocity that exists as the next new phase of human fetal genocide...with the newest statutes on assisted suicide now available to allow the elderly who are dying to go ahead and reduce their own personal suffering and the financial burden on the families. Wow, so we don't want babies or old people, what next, Caucasians, Hispanics, Native Americans, Arabs, Italians, Orientals, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, dare I say, Muslims...etc.....Honestly, it is insufferable that this atrocity go on.

I feel for the souls of those who willingly participated in this infanticide deliberately for convenience. We will all stand before God in the end and be judged, and I pray that He have mercy on your souls.

Meanwhile, there is still time if you know someone considering this, there are other options...options that don't leave you knowing you killed your own child and living with that from the moment you realize what you did. There are so many people who can give your child a wonderful life. Please always think of the other soul you are robbing of the chance to love and live and know you and God.

A Woman Rides the Beast of Revelation

In the last book of the Bible, the last testament of John, he describes an interesting scene of a Beast with 7 heads, 10 horns, 10 Crowns, one wounded as though to death but its deathly wound healed. In this same scene, there is described a woman riding the beast. She has a description, and on Her forehead is written the name of Mystery Babylon, she is adorned in Scarlet and Purple, She will be a city built on seven hills, She will be a harlot and have many daughters, she will be drunken with the blood of the saints....and the city is called Mystery Babylon. Some historians believe this to be many different things, from a new city that will somehow rise from the historic Babylon of today, which by the way is not a city built on Seven Hills. Some people speculate that this city is possibly Jerusalem, which could be possible, but this is not the case because Jerusalem has never been referred to as Babylon in the Bible, though it has been referred to as Sodom and Gomorrah. There are different scholars with different takes, but there is one thing they do agree on...Mystery Babylon is not Babylon in Iraq, and Mystery Babylon is either Jerusalem or the Roman Catholic Church. There is much to support either if you study the Biblical history of Jerusalem and if you study the history of the RCC. I would say, Study the information yourself, pray on it, so that God will reveal it to you, and pray for wisdom to deal with what God reveals.

This link is wonderful for enlightening us to what we should be aware of concerning this interesting subject:

This video is one that once you see it, you will find yourself in awe of the all encompassing power that Satan has over Men/Women all over the world, those who have come before us, and those who are on earth today. Be aware, that watching this video takes about 1 hour, but it will be one of the most informative videos you have ever watched. When you think about the slight subtleties which alter what the Bible actually says within the doors of the RCC, you will understand why I say that Satan has been one busy fellow from the very halls that claim to be the Bride awaiting Jesus. that we know, let us prepare ourselves for the fallout, because, there will be a great deal of it.

God Bless.

NEW AGERS, SOCIALISM & the State of Our Nation

The more I learn about the "New-agers," the more I truly am appalled by what is on the verge of occurring here in our country.

Does anyone know of this "New Ager" stuff? How long this has been in the works and what entities have brought it into full swing?

I found a site online where an attorney has been watching certain events for the last approximate 30 years. From her view, there is much to be concerned about. I will post a link here for her page, so that you can share in what I read.

A couple of other links that I found especially helpful in my learning about the New-agers, are here: (as I find other links of interest in this research I will lists them below.

I honestly, know that this is a problem, and referring to something within the first link from Attorney Cumbey, one of the slogans used in this way of thinking is
CRISIS= OPPORTUNITY. I have actually heard that far too much lately to be comfortable with it. In consideration to the state of our nation, we are definitively in a CRISIS of the disproportionate kind. The crisis that we face is one that is worrisome, and what types of opportunities, beyond intruding and removing our freedoms are they actually seeking?

I am really hoping for some response on this, as it is important and on my mind.

Does anyone see that we are shifting from a democracy to a socialist government right before our very eyes, and some of us seem to think this is okay...while others, like me are trying to reach out and see what is going on with others. My father spent 20 years fighting for our freedom, 2 as a POW in WWII, and I for one, do not want to think that all of that was in vain. It seems to me that it is completely out of control, and that the more the government steps in the more people seems to have their hands out. This is playing into the New-agers hands, just the same way that evil always plays in disguise.

The writing is on the wall. We have a government who did the wrong thing here for a bunch of companies that should have been allowed to fail. In a free market businesses come and businesses go. IN a government owned business market, the market is no longer a free market. We have just put 8 trillion dollars that did not exist into a bunch of businesses that were floundering, and soon the rebound and deflationary aspects of the dollar will begin to show. I hope and pray that God helps us through this, because we may have access to more cash dollars, but they will be basically worthless.

What I foresee is a lot of chaos, infighting, the wake of the deflation. I foresee many more businesses failing miserably, and I foresee the internal devastation being even more horrible than the stories I know of from my grandparents from the great depression. We are not the same country that we were then. WE, as a whole, are not the giving, loving, wonderful people of the era. We live in a society that is a cross between Sodom/Gomorrah & the Land of OZ. To say the least we no longer have the pull together spirit, that comradery that existed in that time....we just don't. Most people I know could care less about anything truly but themselves. I am not saying they would not help others, but I am saying that lives are just truly, these days much more individualized and less worried about the greater good.

May God go with us, because, my friends the road is bleak ahead for the economy. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and half of my Master's. I have been told over and over again that what is going on in our nation would never happen. I don't believe any of this bailout will have anything but a long term detrimental effect to the economy for the next coming 5 years or more. From there, we will be paying this back for at least the next couple of decades.

Also, a bug in the ear....don't know if you all know or not, but Iran, under the radar, took half of their working capital for Iran and transferred it from currency to Gold. That is not COOL. When you see nations and countries, especially our enemies doing that, there is trouble looming ahead.

Something to think about....
If you don't already have some gold and silver coin, it is time to get some.
Purchase some vegetable seeds, and store them. Purchase some candles, waterproof matches, buy up some canned foods, Buy a good amount of flour, sugar, yeast...

The veggie seeds are very important, because there will be a time you are thankful you have them.


Saturday, November 29, 2008


I don't know how much information about what I wish to discuss has come through blog-o-spher-o-city (my made up word for the world of blogging). If you should have questions I am open to discuss what I post. I am not open, and neither is this blog to negative comebacks and irrational behavior. As moderator of this blog, I have the discretion to remove really negative posts, as well as, to defend God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is with that said, that I shall begin.

It has been laid upon my heart by God/Jehovah/Your Choice or Name for Him, to share something with you. I have come upon some very interesting and pertinent to our current time period...information that I find, not only astounding, but appalling, especially because I was unaware. Let's see how many of you are aware of this already, because the more who know the more possibility that there is still time to reach more people.

This is what I know:

There is a position that is called the “High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy,” and it has not existed before it was created to give a job one individual. This position was created in 1998. The man who is seated in this position is Javier Solana. This office handles and officiates over the WEU (the revived Roman Empire) affairs with the rest of the world, including the Middle East. Out of a total of 1150 documents produced during the summit that officiated over the institution of the new position within the WEU, the document that gave the person a new title, was document number 666.

sidenote:(I know, the situation is sounding uncanny....that is because it is. It gets weirder, but more prophetic, and sadly, I am afraid that we don't have much time to prepare for something already happening. Meanwhile, back to what I know.)

Javier Solana also holds the position of Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the true seat of power in Europe. A month after this position was given to Javier Solana, he was given the position of Secretary General of the 10 nation WEU military alliance. On June 5, 2000, the anniversary of Israel's 6 day war, the WEU granted the “High Representative” emergency powers. This gives one man, Javier Solana, total authority over all 10 militaries in the event of an “emergency.” This also gives Javier Solana complete discretion and authority to declare an “emergency.” Guess who wrote this recommendation? Javier Solana did. This declarations name, is called Western European Union Assembly Recommendation 666.

This can be verified at the following link:

The following month what is referred to as the “Solana Decision” was implemented.

This hides from public view any documents deemed “sensitive” by none other, than our new man of favor, Javier Solana. There is a good amount of speculation in that part of the world within the union that this is non-military coup or takeover of the European Union.

Back in 1995, Solana negotiated what was referred to as the Euro-Meditteranean Partnership for Peace. This agreement included European Union states, as well as Meditteranean states, to include Israel and what is considered the Palestinian Order. Though, this effort did not produced the desired results, Solana revived the movement as the “European Neighborhood Policy.”

The very first nation to sign this peace agreement, was Israel. There are economic incentives for those who behave as they are supposed to do. All of this, in the name of “peace and safety.”

This is confirmation of many nations, just as the book of Revelations states. This treaty is with a revived Roman Empire and Israel, among many others, was established on January 1, 2007, and it runs for 7 years. There is a check up point at the half-way mark, which would be the summer of 2010.

Also, Solana is on board and gives his full support to the United Nations new “Alliance of Civilizations” which has a stated goal of eliminating all “religious fundamentalism” worldwide – by whatever means necessary. It also states that this new "Alliance of Civilizations" wishes to institute a common faith that all can except without disagreement of fundamentals. Anyone at this point, who has a lock on “Truth” will be threat to “Peace.” Apparently for all intents and purposes, American Leadership is already on board with this “Alliance of Civilizations,” and this mechanism is set to be implemented and operational in 2010.

Have you heard about this at all, at this point and time? If so, did you know all of this detail on it?

The NAU (North American Union) – where the USA, Mexico, Canada merge fully... is set to be in place by the year 2010, and several other programs unions are set to take place at the same time. I know, it sounds far fetched. I wish it were.

For more on this topic, you can refer to the following link:

From here, I would like to go into another situation that has come to the forefront in my mind and heart lately. I have really been re-evaluating the book of Revelation. Honestly, I believe I have found out something that is not going to be good. To say the very least, those that will be affected most will be those who have so easily been deceived in the name of Christ himself and through the practices therein. At this point, I find myself drawn to the woman who rides the 10 crowned 10 headed Beast of Revelation. This Beast is the WEU, and the ram, I believe we will come to see is going to be Javier Solana. Some people are really watching Bashar al-Sada, the president of Syria. They could be wrong. I could be wrong, because I am just following a trail, and I am not endowed to prophecy to you or anyone else. Women don't hold that role in the church or in humanity. We are here to be helpers. That is all I am, endowed only by God to share what I learn. I study the word, and what is happening in the world. From there I draw conclusions only when there is sufficient evidence to sway my opinion. Glenn Beck has done a show asking some of the same questions, so I guess we will soon see.

The woman on the beast, I believe, as the Berean Beacons believe, and at this point, I can confidently say without a doubt that the woman (harlot) is the Roman Catholic Church, Mystery Babylon, the City of 7 Hills. She is clothed in Scarlet and Purple, which is definitively the dress and adornment of the members of the Catholic Clergy. She has many daughters, which is ultimately true, as every church on planet earth is a spring off of the mother church, whether out of overgrowth or disagreement. The information about her says that she is drunken on the blood of the saints. To say the very least, Rome is guilty of killing anyone who spoke against the church through history. Many very faithful have died at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church. The history is available to anyone wanting to read it. The ever so slight deceptions, men's altered interpretations and other atrocities, lead me to believe that the members of this entity basically just believe what they are told, and check their minds at the door. I have studied Catholicism, and I understand it. It is full of piety, riches, and regulations. The Bible tells us to store our treasures in Heaven. The bible tells us to study it for our nourishment and to love Jesus, have him in our heart so that we can then Communicate with God. God says not to build graven images unto anything on this earth or in Heaven above. The reality behind all of the statues, graven images, and Portraits of Mary....Hail Mary's, etc.....make individual's guilty of elevating Mary's status above where God ever did. God is a jealous God. God wants your praise, glory and faithfulness....your love, your devotion....not Mary. The priest is not going to truly have an effect on your purgatory time, any more than doing earthly penance will. Honestly, this is amazing that people actually believe this. Oh Lord, help me to reach enough of your true believers that I can help to snap them out of the ritualistic trance they are in before it is too late.

Honestly, considering what is posted here, I will leave it for now. I may update from time to time. Please feel free to add a comment, though please keep comments to no profanity or hostility. Thanks. GOD BLESS YOU.

From this point, I would like to discuss an issue that is one of the most importance to people who believe that Jesus Christ is their personal savior.

In 1890, there where governmental documents and church documents that put into play observance of the Lord's Day on Sundays instead of Saturdays. In many cultures even still the Day that is called Sabbath represents Saturday. From Sunset on Friday until Sunset on Saturday, the original custom of the Sabbath was to avoid work, trading, and to rest. In the days of old this custom was important because of the 10 commandments, but for some reason unknown to me, there is little reverence given to it, by those who consider themselves the faithful. It is time for people to return back to the 10 commandments, because even Jesus Himself said, "If ye love me, ye will follow my Father's commandments." How simple to understand, yet apparently difficult to perpetrate.

Remember.....the only commandment it seems we forget is the one that starts with the word Remember.....
Exodus 20:8-11
8 "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 9 Six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."

From here, I want to touch on FAITH.....

When a person becomes a Christ filled, God seeking person, he/she is expected to let it overtake them, consume them even with a new life, a new spirit, and the momentum to give others this new all consuming unconditional love. When one is of the world, one is consumed at times by the world, its things, its offerings, its people, and when habits creep in, within the world, they are all consuming. Alcoholism is one of the chief problems that shows this time of all consuming nature. It is slow at first, and it can truly become an all life consuming problem. In my lifetime, I have experienced such a problem and it was truly one of the most horrible times of my life. With God through Jesus, and through the help of another spirit filled group, I was able to break the horrible bonds of alcohol. It was one of the most horrible sickening, head reeling times of my world, and then God helped me to move forward with my life.

There is a secret that I can easily teach you, the process to perform it is is relatively simple. There is a challenging portion of it...more challenging for some than others.

First, Jesus said unto His disciples, If ye say unto the mountain move, and ye believe as you say it that what you say has already occurred, and doubt not, It shall be done.

So, what this tells us, as believers is, the key to anything in this world and the promises that God allows us, to included moving obstacles in our lives, is FAITH. FAITH=ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT, WHATSOEVER BETWEEN YOUR HEART AND GODS.

Eg. If you go to God, and say,

Dear Lord,

Please help Edna as she has been very sick lately. Please help her if it be Your Will.

Thank you, Dear God,

Through your Son Jesus,


But I go on from that prayer, and in my own mind, I think..... “is God really going to help Edna?”....therein lies the doubt for my own belief that God will do what He says....Ask and believe, it is imperative that you believe.

If I don't believe that God will help the world be less of a cess pool....then how can I expect that He is going to follow faith is not enough to sustain the promise. God will do....but we must believe He will do....and doubt not.

You see....Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.....

So, if I say...

Lord, Most High,

As the Lord knows, Edna is not well, I, In Your Name Lord, through Jesus in my heart, command that Edna be healed from this sickness that has her down, and I believe this Lord as I say it. I do not doubt Your Divine abilities, Lord. I believe that truly you can heal the sick, just as easily as you created the earth, more simply even and in less time. May You get all the divine praise Lord, as you are the First and the Last, and the Beginning and the End, the Most High, and only you Lord deserve the praise for her healing and everything else good in our lives. Thank you God for your perfection in the world. Thank you for all you do. I believe that as Jesus said to his disciples that with faith they had the ability to cast a mountain into the sea, that so do we as your faithful, have the ability through faith to cast whatever our mountain/obstacle/sickness is, into the sea, and believe that You will give us this....because it is Your Word that gives us the guide on how to live, how to love, and how to through you create miracles. It is You and Your promises that give us this. Thank you Lord, so much for keeping your promises. In your Son's name, Amen.

I must, maintain my belief and not doubt....and that, is where you must think about the following:

So, what I challenge each person to do with this message is simply this....everyday, in order to build your faith, take it down off of the shelf and put in your pocket when you get up in the morning. Take it out, look at it. Say out loud something along the lines of....If God, the First, the Last, the Almighty, the Beginning the end, the Alpha, the Omega, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent....... Created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th....He can do anything. He who gave us His word to follow that we see His evidence in our world all the time, with prophecies fulfilled left and right. IF he is that all powerful....and I know HE is....and I know that He keeps His promises to His children, and He easily can do this simple thing for me. God is the All Knowing, All Powerful, and Only He can fulfill you, as He meant for you to be fulfilled.

Convince yourself in the wonders of God. Therein lies your key to Faith. It works, but you must work it. Faith on the shelf doesn't grow. Faith in your pocket and taken out all the time when it is really needed grows, blossoms and becomes fully grown. Faith on a shelf will be more representative of an un-watered seed.....more like, you know God exists, but you are unable to tap into the promises of God's Word because you leave your faith on the shelf un-watered. You are capable of nurturing and tapping into God's promises, but It takes some work. We as Humans doubt ourselves, the world, other people, and have gone through so much pain in our lives, that we doubt nearly everything. That it what I choose to call the “human condition.” Honestly, to say the very least, it is one of those personal issues that we all must attempt overcome to tap into the power that God allows us through Faith. The church through the course of time, has fallen away from tapping into FAITH to Heal. I still believe this is possible to do. I have seen it work in my own life, in others lives, and I believe, my friends that GOD ALMIGHTY can do anything He wants to do or that we ask and believe He will do. BELIEVE>>>>>THROUGH JESUS>>>>>THROUGH STRONG FAITH>>>>AND ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE with GOD in our corner.

Recently I spoke with a friend who is having doubting problems, and I feel compelled by God to share this one last thing, with most especially my friend, but to anyone and everyone feeling this way....

God ultimately can do anything He wants to do. He gives us many promises in His Word that tell us that we have Him at our beck and call. He can do all things, is all things, rendered all things that are this earth, and ultimately can heal all problems in this world. He, through His very Word is our untapped resource.

I used to attend church in SE Georgia, and I grew up around people who complained that the Lord did not answer their prayers. I recall hearing this from time to time, and I recall hearing the Minister tell you that when God doesn't answer with what you ask for He is telling you No. Okay, let's evaluate this idea though. Let's take it one step further, I feel God say to me, that from this statement, there is something missing. If you pray to the Lord and believe, with Jesus in your heart, through faith, all things are possible, and the Lord will bend His ear and lend His hand. The human condition exists even within this argument. Somewhere in both situations there is a lack of divine, true FAITH.

Pray daily that God increases your FAITH, for by FAITH alone, the simple FAITH of a mustard seed, we have the ability to tap into all of God's Promises for us. We must leave behind the mind set of If it be God's Will for what we ask, and we must believe that if it is laid upon our heart to say it, live it, do it, pray it, command is God's Will because His Son lives in our heart. May FAITH in God Through Jesus Christ His Son, go with you.