Monday, March 2, 2009


Thanks to Bainard, who is one of the US Senators, we now know that we are currently a part of the American Socialist Experiment. Yeah, so, how does it feel to be in a vast petri dish of unchartered territory. How ultimately fear encouraging and faith diminishing this brand of communication that we are being given is to us, as a people. No one has faith that this system is going to heal itself, and everyone ultimately has faith that we as a nation are doomed if we continue to let the new leadership spend our futures and the futures of our offspring into non-existence. We have become a nation that is expectant of something for nothing. I am not saying that all of us think and feel this way by any means, I am simply making an observation of what seems to be the accepted norm. If we cannot provide for ourselves, then we should stand there with our hand out. Right?!?!

Ok....well, with all of that said, I will simply say, that though, nationalization of the banks is not occurring according to Ben Bernake and other government leaders, the American people deserve the truth. The technical truth....The most recent bailout of Citigroup was a purchase of 40% shareholder stocks - common stocks. The bailouts under Bush were for Preferred Stock....Preferred stock get a paid dividend but no voting rights. Common Stock gets voting rights. With this said, our Government has the majority shareholder voting rights for Citigroup and several of the other largest banks in the country. This gives a bias to lean toward politicizing the banking and lending system even more than it already is. The next majority shareholder holds less than 5%. So, Ben Bernake is lying when he says that the government isn't nationalizing the banks....though technically he is right, because of the wording, but the reality is the effect on the banks and the control is the same no matter how you spell it out.

To say that we as a nation are prepared for what looms over the so far from truth....because we are spoiled society and an offended society. Nuff Said.

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